November 2, 2015

Halloween Super Recap

This Halloween delivered the big trick of actually being tons of fun. I was bracing for chaos with a monster spaghetti dinner at Smith's preschool scheduled Friday night and all the last minute prep for trick-or-treating, but somehow we cooked that pasta for twelve and strung up some lights and carved our giant pumpkin, and most importantly threw together a couple of Supermen.

After nearly a month of Smith changing his mind on costumes (a sperm whale, no a scientist, no a flying squirrel), he finally settled on his favorite superhero (with some significant nudging from me, seeing as my DIY spirit started flagging mid-October). Luckily one thing was never in question, whatever her big brother was going as, Roo wanted to be exactly the same. Done and done!

We improvised the costumes with odds and ends on hand, and thanks to my mom's brilliant Target buy with that girlie-tutu-super-dress...I was feeling guilty for not being more creative, but the moment they were dressed it was obvious nothing could be more perfect. Smith was hil-arious. That kid is too funny as he's shy and sensitive and then all of a sudden he'll bust out with these characters. He was charging up ahead and trick or treating with all the fearless confidence of Superman. If there was a costume that could will him to use the bathroom at school and stop holding it until he pees in his pants, I'd be ordering it right up... but I digress.

Our new neighborhood was truly awesome with the Halloween festivities. Every house decked out, movies projected, popcorn machines glowing, kids helping one another past scary fog machines, adults drinking and socializing and fully costumed (including all the dogs!). It was a lot more fun and way less hassle than any Halloween in recent memory. The kids loaded their bags with so much candy that Roo was literally dragging hers along the sidewalk... and predictably ended the late night with a giant meltdown begging for 'one more house!'. 

Thanks to the time change and a couple days of 4:30AM wake-ups (help!), I still feel like we're all recovering from the fun. But it was totally worth it. Happy Halloween!

HALLOWEEN MEMORIES: 2014 2013 2012 2011


  1. It's amazing what confidence a costume can give, but don't we all know that feeling? Always a little fun to try something else on for a spell.

    We were with you on happily forgoing the DIY for requested matching costumes and it all ended up being so much fun. So glad to see you all fully enjoying your new neighborhood and soaking it all in.

  2. You're so right Sara, it's been ages since I've had that feeling, but a costume really can give you the liscence to let loose and try on new persona's. Hearing you frame it this way makes me want to dress up more :) I just looked back on Instagram and saw those monkey costumes... too cute!

  3. Look at them! So cute! Love that she wanted to match her brother, although she doesn't look impressed with him in that first pic. ;) Your neighbourhood looks absolutely perfect for Halloween. And school bathrooms are gross. Even the kids know that. ;) Jo


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